COVID-19 Guidance and Resources

This page will be updated, as circumstances evolve, with the latest guidance from the Rabbinical Council of America regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.



RCA Statement on New York COVID Protests

Hoshanot v’Hakafot b’Zman haDavar

OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah

The Minhag of Bowing Down to the Ground on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Davening Guide and Printable Machzor for Rosh Hashanah

Simchat Torah and Sukkot Concerns During COVID

RCA-OU Guidance for Yamim Noraim

Responsibility for Safe School Openings

Taanit 17 Tamuz in the time of COVID-19

The Mourning Customs of the Three Weeks

Davening on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz

17 Tammuz, Tisha B’Av, Yamim Nora’im, and More

The Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-20 – Historical, Medical & Halakhic Perspectives: 2nd Edition

Health, Emotional, Financial & Religious Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Jewish Community

Inyana D’yoma (Issues 1-6)

Ethics of Medical Resource Rationing and Triage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

White House National Faith Leaders Follow-up Resources

Jewish Communal Scenario Planning Resources

DHS and FEMA Recommendations for Reopening Houses of Worship

Minchat Asher: Inyanei Corona – Third Edition

A Guide for Shavuos Without a Shul

Minyanim and other Gatherings in the Current Situation

Guidance for the Chevra Kadisha During Corona

Shavuos Customs

Mechitza for an Outdoor Minyan

Issue in Krias Hatorah

The Proper Time to Daven Maariv on the Second Night of Shavuos

Tosefes Shabbos

What to Consider When You Reopen Your Building

U.S. Department of Labor Advances Protection for Religious Liberty

Making Up the Missed Keriot

Recording: OU/RCA Webcast with Dr. Anthony Fauci

RCA and OU Guidance on Reopening Shuls

Clarification Regarding the Payment of Rent By Families Returning Abroad in the Outbreak of Corona Disease

Payment of rent by families returning abroad in the outbreak of Corona disease

COVID-19 Update

Piskei Rav Willig: Gabba’im and the Bima

Pesach Sheni

Minyan Man Rabbinic Edition

Recording: Viruses & Violence — Antisemitism in the Shadow of COVID-19

Torah Reading When Shuls בע”ה are Reopened and Social Distancing is Still Required

The Leadership of a True Giant

Minchat Asher: Lekut Shiurim u’Teshuvot, Igrot u’Mamaarim haNoagim l’Mageifat haCorona

Halachah l’Maaseh: Minyanim on Balconies and Courtyards & Individual Prayer During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Minyanim on Balconies and Courtyards

History, Medical and Halachic Aspects of COVID-19

White House COVID-19 Relief Update

How to Talk About the Coronavirus With Kids

Corona patient Who Tasted from an Institutional Pot

Music During Sefirah

Wearing Gloves While Receiving a Get

Cutting Your Hair During Sefirah for those Who Have Been Unable to Due to COVID-19

Make-Up Torah Readings After Returning to Shul

Completing Missed Parshiyot

Making Up Missed Weeks of Kriyat haTorah

Making Up Missed Weeks of Krias HaTorah Once Shuls Reopen

Saying Birchas Ilanos, and Tearing Kriyah for Mourning the Beis Hamikdash, Based on Seeing Things Over Zoom

Saying Birchas Ha’gomel With a Minyan Assembled Over Zoom

Recording: Educating – and Protecting – Kids During the Pandemic

Birchas HaGomel During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wearing Gloves and Masks Without an Eruv During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Update on Administration COVID-19 Efforts

CoronaCrush & JScreen Partner to Promote Relationships & Health During Social Distancing

Towards a Bibliography of Coronavirus-related Articles & Seforim

The Customs of Aveilus on Sefirah

Aveilus and Aninus for Delayed Burials

Instructions for Mohalim during Coronavirus

Kiyyum Mitzvat Milah

COVID-19 Update

Music During Sefirah

Tzedaka is important all the time. How much more so in times like these.

Calling the Hospital on Shabbos or Yom Tov

Contracts and the Coronavirus

Payment for Canceled Pesach 2020 Vacations

Private Yizkor

Hilkhot Aveilut according to the Piskei Halachah of Rav Asher Weiss

Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Update Americans on Response Efforts

Fighting Hate From Home: Preventing Zoombombing and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings

Music During Sefirah

Pidyon ha-Ben During Coronavirus

Guidelines for Burial on Shabbos and Yom Tov

COVID-19 Protocols for Levayahs and Cemeteries

Melacha on Chol ha-Moed during Coronavirus

Compendeium on Inyanei Coronavirus

The President’s Passover Greetings during COVID-19

A Message from Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Ensuring Everyone a Safe Passover

Guidelines and Suggestions for Officiating Clergy at Funerals and Shiva

Celebrating the Seder Alone

Mental Health and the Three Day Yom Tov

Erev Pesach 2020 Simchat haChag

Minchat Asher: Corona

Turning Loneliness into Solitude

COVID-19 Chizuk Letter from Israel

SBA Clarifies Eligibility of Faith-Based Organizations to Participate in Paycheck Protection and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs

Chief Rabbi David Lau shares a message with Diaspora Jewry Pesach 2020

Important Message from R. Dr. Glatt to Share With Your Kehillah

How To Embrace The Pesach None of Us Expected

Satmar Kol Koreh on COVID-19 and Pesach

Participating in a Simcha via Zoom

Saying “Kol Dichfin” at the Seder

Expanded Guidelines for Taharas Hameis

Practice Leadership ‘Ands’ During Times Of Uncertainty And Disruption

Tzurba M’Rabanan Special Edition

Ordering Chametz on Pesach that Won’t Arrive Until After Pesach

Eruv Chatzeirot

Eruv Tavshilin

Weddings with Less than Ten

Ventilator Triage During a Pandemic

Faith Leaders on COVID-19

COVID-19 and the Mikvah

Recording: Q & A with Rav Mordechai Willig for Health Care and Military Chaplains

IRS Issues Warning About Coronavirus-related Scams; Watch Out for Schemes Tied to Economic Impact Payments

Video Conference Best Practices


Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go® 5780 from Yeshiva University

Collected Q & A on Inyanei Pesach – Rav Willig

Erev Shabbos Music During Sefirah

Temporary Burial

Taharah l’Meisim

COVID-19 Federal Stimulus Aid Conference Call Follow-Up

Pesach Luach for COVID-19 Crisis

Making Pesach for the First Time Cheat Sheet

Rabbinic Leadership & Self Care During Coronavirus Crisis

Priority in Healthcare Treatment

Haircuts on Chol haMoed

Joining to a Minyan

Shir haShirim on Chol HaMoed

Showering After Tevilas Nashim

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Extend Guidelines to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus

Protect Yourself and Your Kehillah from Zoombombing

10 Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak

What You Need To Know | President Trump Is Providing Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses

Kelim Bill of Sale administered by the Beth Din of America

Pesach Supplies – Rabbinic Information

Inaccessible Chametz – חמץ שאינו ברשותו

Baby Naming for a Girl – קריאת שם לבת

Keriyat haTorah – קריאת התורה

Kitniyot – קטניות

Tefilat Tal – הפיוט שאומרים בקשר להזכרת הטל

Hallel on Leil Pesach – הלל בליל פסח

Returning from Hospital on Shabbat

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Task Force Announce Extended CDC Guidelines to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe Self-Quarantined for the Seder

Coronavirus: More Teshuvot from Rav Herschel Schachter

Shiur: Public Health, Jewish Law & Corona

Inyanei Coronavirus: Recording of Q & A with Rav Hershel Schachter

Kol Corona

March 25, 2020 Update: COVID-19 Guidelines for Chevros Kadisha

Choleh in Isolation – חולה בבידוד

Rules of a Shortened Seder

Guidelines on Employment Issues during the Coronavirus Epidemic

Kelim Bill of Sale administered by the Beth Din of America

The Sanzer Rebbe on Corona: Anger and Tension in the home is worse than Chametz

Worldwide Yom Tefillah – Tomorrow- March 25, 2020

Joint Statement to the Orthodox Community Regarding Pesach

Food Safety and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Tevilat Kelim / Darkei Shalom

Important Joint Statement to the Orthodox Community – COVID-19

Q/A with Rav Schachter and Rav Willig with Permission from Mizrachi Rabbi Chat

Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

They Shut Down All Access to my Workplace and I Had Chametz in my Desk? I Have Always Been Strict Not to Sell My Chametz?

Transcript of Rav Hershel Schachter’s RCA Q/A

White House Coronavirus Task Force Updates

Helpful Links For Pesach Preparation in the Age of COVID-19

Shabbat Without Shul: A Guide

Rav Herschel Schachter on Removing a Coronavirus Patient from a Respirator

Amazing Online Shtar Harsha’ah Form from the cRc

RCA-OU Statements: STAY HOME / Half Day Fast Called for Tomorrow, Thursday, March 19

Coronavirus: Kashrut and Seder Seminars / Online Shtar Harsha’ah / Siyyum Bechorim / Tradition

Recording: Public Health Webinar for Rabbis on COVID-19

Coronavirus: Kelim Mikvah / Birkat Hachodesh

Ketuvot 8b ~ When Some Plagues End, and Others Begin — Talmudology

Coronavirus: Halacha le-Ma’aseh

COVID-19: Hoarding and Community

Online Tefillot Gathering Data Collection

COVID19 FAQ for Faith and Community Leaders

Rav Schachter: Mikvah / Avelut

Kosher lePesach: Bittul of Chametz Ingredients Before Pesach

Chief Rabbi Yosef’s Instructions and Prayer concerning the Corona Outbreak

Link to Rav Schachter’s Q and A re: Coronavirus

The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America

COVID-19 Restrictions and Halachic Compulsion

Coronavirus: Dozens of Important Links

Rav Willig on Davening be-yechidus

Psak Halachah from HaRav Hershel Schachter shlit”a

Open Letter from Dr. Daniel Berman and Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Letter from Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau on the Coronavirus

RCA: New Practical Coronavirus Guidelines (a letter from the Five Towns)

Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer for all Americans Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus: Guidance for Shuls and Communities

Coronavirus: Shul Guidelines / RCA Convention Update

COVID-19 Guidelines for Chevros Kadisha

NY State Department of Health Guidelines for Houses of Worship

COVID-19 Resources for Families

Coronavirus Government Health Updates

Health, Emotional, Financial & Religious Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Jewish Community

White House National Faith Leaders Follow-up Resources

Jewish Communal Scenario Planning Resources

DHS and FEMA Recommendations for Reopening Houses of Worship

U.S. Department of Labor Advances Protection for Religious Liberty

Recording: OU/RCA Webcast with Dr. Anthony Fauci

White House COVID-19 Relief Update

How to Talk About the Coronavirus With Kids

Update on Administration COVID-19 Efforts

Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Update Americans on Response Efforts

Fighting Hate From Home: Preventing Zoombombing and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings

The President’s Passover Greetings during COVID-19

Mental Health and the Three Day Yom Tov

SBA Clarifies Eligibility of Faith-Based Organizations to Participate in Paycheck Protection and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs

Mikvah and Coronavirus

Faith Leaders on COVID-19

COVID-19 and the Mikvah

IRS Issues Warning About Coronavirus-related Scams; Watch Out for Schemes Tied to Economic Impact Payments

Video Conference Best Practices

COVID-19 Federal Stimulus Aid Conference Call Follow-Up

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Extend Guidelines to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus

10 Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak

What You Need To Know | President Trump Is Providing Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Task Force Announce Extended CDC Guidelines to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Provide an Update to Americans

Food Safety and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Abuse: Urgent Update Regarding Safety During COVID-19

Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

White House Coronavirus Task Force Updates

Recording: Public Health Webinar for Rabbis on COVID-19

COVID19 FAQ for Faith and Community Leaders

The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America

Coronavirus: Dozens of Important Links

Open Letter from Dr. Daniel Berman and Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer for all Americans Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic

COVID-19 Guidelines for Chevros Kadisha

NY State Department of Health Guidelines for Houses of Worship

COVID-19 Resources for Families

Coronavirus Halacha

OU/RCA Guidance for Purim 2021

Hoshanot v’Hakafot b’Zman haDavar

OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah

The Minhag of Bowing Down to the Ground on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Davening Guide and Printable Machzor for Rosh Hashanah

Simchat Torah and Sukkot Concerns During COVID

RCA-OU Guidance for Yamim Noraim

Taanit 17 Tamuz in the time of COVID-19

The Mourning Customs of the Three Weeks

Davening on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz

The Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-20 – Historical, Medical & Halakhic Perspectives: 2nd Edition

Inyana D’yoma (Issues 1-6)

Ethics of Medical Resource Rationing and Triage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Minchat Asher: Inyanei Corona – Third Edition

A Guide for Shavuos Without a Shul

Minyanim and other Gatherings in the Current Situation

Guidance for the Chevra Kadisha During Corona

Shavuos Customs

Mechitza for an Outdoor Minyan

Issue in Krias Hatorah

The Proper Time to Daven Maariv on the Second Night of Shavuos

Tosefes Shabbos

Making Up the Missed Keriot

RCA and OU Guidance on Reopening Shuls

Clarification Regarding the Payment of Rent By Families Returning Abroad in the Outbreak of Corona Disease

Payment of rent by families returning abroad in the outbreak of Corona disease

COVID-19 Update

Pesach Sheni

Torah Reading When Shuls בע”ה are Reopened and Social Distancing is Still Required

Minchat Asher: Lekut Shiurim u’Teshuvot, Igrot u’Mamaarim haNoagim l’Mageifat haCorona

Halachah l’Maaseh: Minyanim on Balconies and Courtyards & Individual Prayer During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Minyanim on Balconies and Courtyards

History, Medical and Halachic Aspects of COVID-19

Corona patient Who Tasted from an Institutional Pot

Music During Sefirah

Wearing Gloves While Receiving a Get

Cutting Your Hair During Sefirah for those Who Have Been Unable to Due to COVID-19

Make-Up Torah Readings After Returning to Shul

Completing Missed Parshiyot

Making Up Missed Weeks of Kriyat haTorah

Making Up Missed Weeks of Krias HaTorah Once Shuls Reopen

Saying Birchas Ilanos, and Tearing Kriyah for Mourning the Beis Hamikdash, Based on Seeing Things Over Zoom

Saying Birchas Ha’gomel With a Minyan Assembled Over Zoom

Birchas HaGomel During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wearing Gloves and Masks Without an Eruv During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Towards a Bibliography of Coronavirus-related Articles & Seforim

The Customs of Aveilus on Sefirah

Aveilus and Aninus for Delayed Burials

Instructions for Mohalim during Coronavirus

Kiyyum Mitzvat Milah

COVID-19 Update

Music During Sefirah

Tzedaka is important all the time. How much more so in times like these.

Calling the Hospital on Shabbos or Yom Tov

Contracts and the Coronavirus

Payment for Canceled Pesach 2020 Vacations

Private Yizkor

Hilkhot Aveilut according to the Piskei Halachah of Rav Asher Weiss

Pidyon ha-Ben During Coronavirus

Guidelines for Burial on Shabbos and Yom Tov

COVID-19 Protocols for Levayahs and Cemeteries

Melacha on Chol ha-Moed during Coronavirus

Compendeium on Inyanei Coronavirus

A Message from Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Guidelines and Suggestions for Officiating Clergy at Funerals and Shiva

Minchat Asher: Corona

Participating in a Simcha via Zoom

Expanded Guidelines for Taharas Hameis

Tzurba M’Rabanan Special Edition

Ventilator Triage During a Pandemic

COVID-19 and the Mikvah

Recording: Q & A with Rav Mordechai Willig for Health Care and Military Chaplains

Temporary Burial

Taharah l’Meisim

Pesach Luach for COVID-19 Crisis

Priority in Healthcare Treatment

Haircuts on Chol haMoed

Joining to a Minyan

Kelim Bill of Sale administered by the Beth Din of America

Baby Naming for a Girl – קריאת שם לבת

Keriyat haTorah – קריאת התורה

Returning from Hospital on Shabbat

Shiur: Public Health, Jewish Law & Corona

Kol Corona

March 25, 2020 Update: COVID-19 Guidelines for Chevros Kadisha

Guidelines on Employment Issues during the Coronavirus Epidemic

Kelim Bill of Sale administered by the Beth Din of America

Worldwide Yom Tefillah – Tomorrow- March 25, 2020

Important Joint Statement to the Orthodox Community – COVID-19

Shabbat Without Shul: A Guide

Rav Herschel Schachter on Removing a Coronavirus Patient from a Respirator

RCA-OU Statements: STAY HOME / Half Day Fast Called for Tomorrow, Thursday, March 19

Ketuvot 8b ~ When Some Plagues End, and Others Begin — Talmudology

Coronavirus: Halacha le-Ma’aseh

COVID-19: Hoarding and Community

Online Tefillot Gathering Data Collection

Chief Rabbi Yosef’s Instructions and Prayer concerning the Corona Outbreak

COVID-19 Restrictions and Halachic Compulsion

Rav Willig on Davening be-yechidus

Psak Halachah from HaRav Hershel Schachter shlit”a

Letter from Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau on the Coronavirus

RCA: New Practical Coronavirus Guidelines (a letter from the Five Towns)

Coronavirus: Guidance for Shuls and Communities

Coronavirus: Shul Guidelines / RCA Convention Update

COVID-19 Guidelines for Chevros Kadisha

Coronavirus Pesach Guidelines

OU/RCA Pesach Guidance for Shuls and Communities

Payment for Canceled Pesach 2020 Vacations

A Message from Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Ensuring Everyone a Safe Passover

Celebrating the Seder Alone

Erev Pesach 2020 Simchat haChag

Turning Loneliness into Solitude

Chief Rabbi David Lau shares a message with Diaspora Jewry Pesach 2020

Important Message from R. Dr. Glatt to Share With Your Kehillah

How To Embrace The Pesach None of Us Expected

Satmar Kol Koreh on COVID-19 and Pesach

Saying “Kol Dichfin” at the Seder

Ordering Chametz on Pesach that Won’t Arrive Until After Pesach

Eruv Chatzeirot

Eruv Tavshilin

Pesach 5780 HaMizrachi

Benjamin and Rose Berger Pesach To-Go® 5780 from Yeshiva University

Collected Q & A on Inyanei Pesach – Rav Willig

Pesach Luach for COVID-19 Crisis

Making Pesach for the First Time Cheat Sheet

Shir haShirim on Chol HaMoed

Pesach Supplies – Rabbinic Information

Inaccessible Chametz – חמץ שאינו ברשותו

Kitniyot – קטניות

Tefilat Tal – הפיוט שאומרים בקשר להזכרת הטל

Hallel on Leil Pesach – הלל בליל פסח

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe Self-Quarantined for the Seder

Coronavirus: More Teshuvot from Rav Herschel Schachter

Rules of a Shortened Seder

The Sanzer Rebbe on Corona: Anger and Tension in the home is worse than Chametz

Video Recording: Rabbi Willig on Online Mechirat Chametz

Joint Statement to the Orthodox Community Regarding Pesach

Tevilat Kelim / Darkei Shalom

Q/A with Rav Schachter and Rav Willig with Permission from Mizrachi Rabbi Chat

They Shut Down All Access to my Workplace and I Had Chametz in my Desk? I Have Always Been Strict Not to Sell My Chametz?

Helpful Links For Pesach Preparation in the Age of COVID-19

Amazing Online Shtar Harsha’ah Form from the cRc

Coronavirus: Kashrut and Seder Seminars / Online Shtar Harsha’ah / Siyyum Bechorim / Tradition

Coronavirus: Halacha le-Ma’aseh

Kosher lePesach: Bittul of Chametz Ingredients Before Pesach

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