The Environment 1991
June 1, 1991
American Jews and Israel(1991)
June 1, 1991

Tzedakah 1991

Jun 1, 1991 — V. TZEDAKAH

A. Whereas generosity and tzedakah has always been the hallmark of Torah life and selfishness the antithesis of Jewish religious teachings and

Whereas the news media has recently recorded the lack of charitable contribution on the part of many elected officials

The Rabbinical Council of America, in convention assembled, urges our chaverim to continue to exhibit a sense of personal generosity as well as conveying the spirit of tzedakah to our communities and to society at large through our words and deeds.

B. Whereas the larger society is often marked by excesses of consumption and Jewish society has assimilated this flaw and

Whereas Jewish tradition alternatively teaches us the values of chessed, kindness to the less fortunate and baal tashchit, curbing needless waste

Therefore, the Rabbinical Council of America, in convention assembled, urges our members to educate our congregants to use festive occasions as opportunities to help the needy by means of donating leftover or unwanted food to food banks and the like and donations to tzedakah by hosts at the time of their simcha in lieu of ostentation.

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