Text of the testimony by Rabbi Dale Polakoff, President of the Rabbinical Council of America, in appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings in support of the nomination of Judge John Roberts, on September 15, 2005
Sep 16, 2005
Statement of Rabbi Dale Polakoff,
Rabbinical Council of America
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Minority Member Leahy and other distinguished
members of the Committee, good afternoon and thank you for inviting me
to participate in this hearing. I represent before you the Rabbinical
Council of America, an organization established in 1935 to advance the
cause and the voice of Orthodox Judaism and the rabbinic tradition.
Membership in the RCA is held by close to 1000 ordained rabbis, and
includes congregational rabbis, teachers and academicians, military
chaplains (some of whom serve today in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas
of the world), health-care chaplains, organizational professionals, and
I am here this afternoon to offer a statement of support for the
nomination of Judge John G. Roberts to be Chief Justice of the United
States. From everything of which the Rabbinical Council of America is
currently aware, Judge Roberts has exemplary intellectual skills and
superb legal training. He was a widely acclaimed appellate litigator and
as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit has demonstrated a judicial temperament that is both
thoughtful and principled. He has both a strong background and extensive
experience in adjudicating cases before the Supreme Court. He has
garnered the respect of his colleagues and the legal profession in
general and possesses a fine moral character.
My remarks about Judge Roberts begin this afternoon with broad
brushstrokes because the desired qualities of judges within the Jewish
tradition are defined in just such broad brushstrokes. We are enjoined
to choose principled judges who refrain from showing favoritism to
individuals or causes. We seek Judges who are people of truth, whose
words and decisions inspire confidence in those who rely upon them. Our
tradition recognizes the tremendous responsibility borne by those who
judge others, and sees in their dispensing of truth and justice a Divine
partnership insuring the continuation of a moral society.
At a time in which many in society seek moral moorings and spiritual
strength, I am certain that these broad values are also the values
embraced by this great country in which we are privileged to live.
Values of principles, truth and responsibility are part of the
foundation of religious ethics upon which our nation has been built, and
I am confident that Judge Roberts represents the embodiment of such
Within the broad brushstrokes, though, are many hues of color, and it is
the responsibility of this Judiciary committee to try to determine how
Judge Roberts sees those colors. As a representative of the clergy of a
minority faith community, I and my colleagues are also interested in an
area of seminal importance to us, namely the relationship between
religion and state in society. In an effort to gain insight into Judge
Roberts understanding of that relationship, as defined by the Free
Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment, we were
encouraged by a memorandum written to Counsel Fred Fielding on August
20th, 1984. Regarding remarks to be made by President Reagan to an
ecumenical prayer breakfast, then-counsel Roberts suggested that the
references to “the Church or churches be changed to references to
religion or religions.” He noted that “many of our citizens do not
worship in churches, but in temples and mosques.” We believe that this
comment demonstrates a sensitivity and appreciation for the diversity of
religious faith in America, and, we hope, is a harbinger of Judge
Roberts’ views in this crucial area.
There are those who suggest that Mr. Robert’s subsequent participation
in presenting the view of the United States in several religion clause
cases should be of concern. In this matter, the Rabbinical Council of
America relies on the guidance of the Institute of Public Affairs of the
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, a sister
non-partisan religious organization. Their research indicates that in
each of the cases the positions advocated by the United States were
neither extreme nor even unreasonable interpretations of the religion
clauses’ requirements.
As members of this committee are well aware, the contours of religious
liberty in this nation are still being shaped by the Supreme Court.
Should the Senate confirm Judge Roberts, he will be on the Court this
term when, in the case of Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita, it will again
examine the extent to which minority religions will have their religious
liberty protected against government interference and Congress’ ability
to protect that liberty through laws like the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act which many of you championed a decade ago. While we
cannot be certain, we are optimistic that a Justice Roberts will be
supportive and solicitous of religious liberty in America. His answers
this week to questions you and your colleagues asked him about the
Constitution’s religion clauses were indeed reassuring.
The Rabbinical Council of America has taken this public position of
support for the nomination of Judge Roberts in the spirit of this year’s
celebration of 350 years of American Jewish history. The Jewish
community, like so many other faith communities, has greatly benefited
from the religious liberty guaranteed by our Constitution. We have been
able to build Houses of Worship and Study, and to create communities
reflective of our values and traditions. We believe it thus appropriate,
through our active participation in this process, that we acknowledge
our debt of gratitude to America, to a nation that has pledged to uphold
the conviction that liberty and equal justice under law are for all.