July 23, 2021

The Halachic Prenuptial Agreement Prevents Get Abuse

July 23, 2021 – As we observe Tu b’Av on the Jewish calendar and as weddings resume following Tisha b’Av, the Rabbinical Council of America, the […]
September 22, 2016

2016 Resolution: Requiring the Use of Prenuptial Agreements for the Prevention of Get-refusal

Whereas our tradition celebrates married couples living together in peace and harmony, in love and devotion all of their lives; and, Whereas the Torah recognizes that […]
May 18, 2006

Use of Prenuptial Agreement

RCA reaffirms that no member rabbi should officiate at a wedding unless a proper prenuptial agreement has been executed. May 18, 2006 — RESOLVED that since […]
May 6, 1999

Rabbinical Council of America Agunah Task Force

May 14, 1999 — The Rabbinical Council of America will announce at its forthcoming annual convention the formation of a special Agunah Task Force which will work […]