Persecuted Jews Around the World 1990
June 1, 1990
Shabbos as a Standard of Kashrus 1990
June 1, 1990

Services to the Senior Adult Community 1990

Jun 1, 1990 — Services to the Senior Adult Community

Grateful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu that the blessing of Arichat Yamim is more apparent today than in recent generations; and 

Taking note of an increasing need for nursing home and other long-term care services and facilities; and 

Sensitive to the extreme financial situations that frequently emerge as a result;

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled 

Calls upon the national leadership of the Jewish community to creatively address these concerns, both as they apply to those currently facing difficult times, as well as to those who may face difficult times, as well as to those who may face difficult times in the future;

Calls upon the President of the RCA to appoint a committee whose task it will be to study the impact of the need for nursing home and long-term care within the entire Orthodox community, identify the varying responses that have already been implemented to meet this need and recommend a plan of action to the Executive Committee of the RCA to offer guidance to its members regarding the needs of their communities.


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