Statement in Support of the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito as Justive of the United States Supreme Court
Jan 10, 2006
Through his experience, temperament and character, Judge Samuel
A. Alito has shown himself to be a jurist well qualified to serve on the
United States Supreme Court. And through his record, he has shown
himself to be in consonance with the values the Orthodox Jewish
community holds dear.
Both colleagues and subordinates have remarked upon Judge Alito’s
understated brilliance and decency, how he exercises his considerable
brainpower in caution and honesty, and expresses himself with facility.
In fifteen years as Court of Appeals Judge he exhibited a keen eye
towards interpreting law, and an ability to focus on the case before
him, including its legal and human implications, rather than a preset
agenda. His decisions were focused, not sweeping, and flexible when
they needed to be.
Judge Alito has demonstrated great understanding in areas of particular
interest to Orthodox Jews. In several separate cases, while supporting
the separation of church and state, he has remained open enough to allow
the free exercise of religion in the public sphere in circumstances
that warrant it. Furthermore, his record shows an appreciation of the
need to reinforce fundamental traditional values, at a time when many
core values that undergird civil society in this land are under assault.
At the same time he has recognized and valued the importance of
religious tolerance, safeguarding civil rights, and the freedom to
exercise political dissent.
We feel that these sensitivities and the overall outlook that generated
them bode well for Samuel A. Alito’s tenure on the highest court of
this land.