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RCA Denounces Rise in Antisemitism

May 23, 2021 – The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading membership organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, denounces in the strongest of terms the precipitous rise in acts and expressions of antisemitism in the United States.

Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, president of the RCA, said, “The victimization of Jews, our homes, and our synagogues, as the objects of physical attacks, harassment, abuse, arson, and property destruction, is anathema to civilized society and the values of democracy and brotherhood that are the foundations of the United States. Many of these acts put a lie to the claim that anti-Israel rhetoric is not antisemitic.”

Rabbi Binyamin Blau, vice president of the RCA, said, “We call upon our elected officials to strongly condemn this scourge, law enforcement agencies to protect the innocent, and our brothers and sisters of all faiths and creeds, good people of conscience worldwide, who normally do not tolerate bigotry and hatred of any kind, to act similarly in the face of violence and hatred against Jews. We call upon all to urge their elected officials to protect all citizens from bias, threats, and attacks. May we all stand up for justice, safety, peace and tranquility in fulfillment of the Psalmists dream, ‘Behold how good and how pleasant for brothers (and sisters) to dwell together in peace’ (133:1).”

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