Convention Issues Educational Support Initiatives
May 18, 2006
RCA Urges Proactive Iran Policy
May 18, 2006

RCA Condemns Darfur Genocide

The RCA calls upon the Jewish community to do all that is in its power to put a stop to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.

May 18, 2006 — Whereas the Rabbinical Council of America issued in 2004 a statement of moral principle, and a call to action to put an end to the unfolding genocide that was threatening the lives of more than a million Africans in the Darfur region of the Sudan; and,
Whereas the crisis in the Sudan continues to worsen, with 400,000 individuals being killed and two million people being driven from their homes since February 2003; and,
Whereas Jewish values place supreme importance on saving innocent human life, and teach us that every human being is holy and created in the image of God; and,
Whereas Jews have been persecuted because of their religion many times and as a result, possess a unique understanding of the enormity of the crisis in the Sudan, and the responsibility to speak out on behalf of the vulnerable and defenseless,

Now therefore it is resolved that:
The RCA calls upon Congress and the President to call for a stronger multinational force to protect the innocent victims in the Sudan, and to use any means available to them to pressure the government of Sudan to desist from killing innocent victims; and that
The RCA urges rabbis to speak out against the atrocities taking place in the Sudan, and educate and inspire others to contact their elected representatives to act against the ongoing genocide; and that
The RCA asks individuals to contribute to humanitarian relief efforts aimed at aiding the victims of this genocide who are suffering and dying daily, often due to lack of basic resources.


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