July 20, 2021 – The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading membership organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, condemns the latest expression of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement by Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream through its announced plans to discontinue sales in Judea and Samaria.
Rabbi Binyamin Blau, president of the RCA, said, “This move does nothing to further the prospect of peace between Israel and the Palestinians and only contributes to the efforts of those that delegitimize the State and further the spread of antisemitism. We call on our community to exercise all appropriate means to protest this action and to defend the integrity of the State of Israel.”
Rabbi Zvi Engel, vice president of the RCA, said, “The facile disenfranchising one side of a complex political conflict is deplorable. Ben and Jerry’s missed the opportunity to encourage a negotiated peace settlement, and to celebrate the heroic peace agreements between Israel and six of her Arab neighbors.”