Israeli Prisoners of War (1993)
June 1, 1994
RCA Stresses the Importance of All Human Life – Jewish or Non-Jewish
June 1, 1996

RCA Condemns Attempt to Remove Judaism From The Curriculum in Israeli Schools

Jun 1, 1996 — The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled expresses its concern and opposition to the attempts presently being made in some circles to de- Judaize the State of Israel. Whether under the guise of post-Zionism or any other title, the attempt to remove our sacred traditions from the education, literature and governing principles of the State is of grave concern to us. Israel was founded as a Jewish state, as the fulfillment of our dreams of statehood and sovereignty of 2,000 years. Jewish knowledge and tradition is a key to our survival and will help Israel as a country maintain its uniqueness amongst the nations of the world. Therefore, the Rabbinical Council of America calls on all in a position of authority to maintain and strengthen the Jewish character of the State of Israel.


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