Led RCA’s Israel Region for twenty five years
Whereas Rabbi Naftali Hollander has served with devotion and distinction as Executive Director of the Rabbinical Council of America Israel Region for the past twenty-five years; and,
Whereas Rabbi Hollander has helped the Israel Region and its members, both organizationally and personally, to integrate into Israeli society and have an impact upon it; and,
Whereas Rabbi Hollander is now retiring from his official position; and,
Whereas the Israel Region has expressed its gratitude to Rabbi Hollander at its recent weekend colloquium by means of a Certificate and gift
Now, therefore, we, the members of the Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled, do hereby express our appreciation to Rabbi Naftali Hollander with a vote of thanks for his many years of devoted service to the Rabbinical Council of America and its Israel Region, and wish him many more years of good health together with his wife Tzipporah and their family.