April 29, 2007
April 29, 2007
RCA Calls upon Families to Supervise Teenagers on Vacation
May 1, 2007

RCA Advocates Life Insurance for All

Whereas there are so many young couples who neither the husband nor the wife have life insurance; and,

Whereas there are unfortunately so many occurrences of parents dying young and leaving behind a spouse with children to care for; and,

Whereas funds are frequently set up in an effort to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars per family to support the spouses and children left behind; and,

Whereas such funding efforts causes an immense strain on the Jewish community; and,

Whereas Rav Moshe Feinstein wrote in Igros Moshe that buying life insurance “…is a form of protection that is permitted and obligated by Hashem”; and,

Whereas the need for life insurance has never been so clear and the accessibility has never been so easy

It is therefore resolved that the Rabbinical Council of America calls upon all rabbis to

Increase awareness about the importance of buying life insurance; and to

Urge both parents to own life insurance, the breadwinner $1,000,000 and the spouse $500,000; and to

Institute the Zichron Dov life insurance fund in every shul to ensure that every member of every shul has life insurance; and to

Educate young brides and grooms on the importance of buying life insurance before marriage; and to

Lobby their local schools to provide life insurance for every teacher working more than 20 hours a week, increasing tuition by no more than $20 a year; and to

Speak from the pulpit one time during the Yomim Noraim on the importance of this issue; and to

Compile lists of insurance brokers in their respective communities to make the process easier for every congregant and student.


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