June 16, 2021
June 16, 2021
Support for Victims of the Surfside, FL Condo Collapse: Respond with Prayer and Charity
June 25, 2021

Prayers for the Victims of the Building Collapse in Surfside, FL

June 24, 2021

A Message from the RCA and the OU

The Jewish people are reeling from yet another national tragedy that contains within it so many personal and familial tragedies. On the heels of COVID, Meron, and Karlin-Stolin of Givat Zev, today we awoke to read of the horrific building collapse in Surfside, Florida.

The situation remains fluid. There have been many losses, many affected families, and many injured who need our prayers. All of us must pause to consider the profound pain being experienced at this moment by so many and turn to Hashem in heartfelt prayer.

We urge one and all to recite Tehillim 20, 130, and 142.

May Hashem hear our prayers and bring an end to such devastating events, יאמר לצרותינו די.

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