Outreach 1998
June 1, 1998
Religious Pluralism In Israel (1998)
June 1, 1998

Poverty 1998


WHEREAS, while our nation enjoys unprecedented prosperity, 21% of America’s children live in poverty; and

WHEREAS, even in these good economic times, the growing disparity between rich and poor is evidence that not all is well; and

WHEREAS, the high percentage of people living in poverty is a moral challenge to religious people and the United States Congress, in its package of welfare changes, called on the religious community to do more; and

WHEREAS, 23 million American adults cannot read a newspaper and cannot complete an employment form, and often their children continue in their path of illiteracy;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rabbinical Council of America commends those states which are developing programs to move people from unemployment and/or welfare to work, particularly by encouraging new relationships between government, the private sector and communities of faith We urge states, the federal government, and the private sector to initiate programs, including training, mentoring, child care, transportation and medical care, that assure the capability and opportunity of work for all citizens.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Rabbinical Council of America calls upon the government the private sector and religious communities to examine their actions and inactions in these areas. Te Rabbinical Council of America applauds those congregations and individuals who are serving the poor and encourage all congregations to consider ways to fulfill their obligations bein adorn le.chaveiro by serving their fellow human beings who are in need by providing emergency and long-term aid to the poor and by participating in the political process by supporting the voices of those who have little or no political experience or clout. We urge our congregations to encourage its professionals to offer their services pro-bono to those in need, to open their homes as foster parents, to provide work for those who are unemployed or disabled, to develop programs that help to provide for the homeless and the hungry, to support individuals and their families who face the challenges of terminal illnesses, mental illnesses, and drug and alcohol addictions.

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