Jun 1, 1990 — Operation Exodus
Whereas the Soviet Union has continued to grant permission to increasing numbers of our fellow Jews to leave the Soviet Union in order to resettle in the State of Israel;
Whereas American Jewry has assumed the historic responsibility of giving financial assistance to the people of Israel in their historic effort to settle the hundreds of thousands of Soviet Olim who are streaming to Israel, with hundreds arriving every single day;
Whereas the current Soviet Aliyah represents the fulfillment of a “dream” that has energized world Jewry for decades;
Whereas the survival of Soviet Jewry as an active, involved, committed and observant force within the world community of Jews is most readily achieved within the State of Israel;
Whereas the State of Israel will be immeasurably enhanced in all areas of its society by the Soviet Aliyah;
The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled
Proclaims its full and complete support of every effort to resettle Soviet Jews in the State of Israel;
Urges its entire membership to actively support, in deed as well as word, the efforts of the communal bodies in their respective communities who have pledged themselves to this all important goal;
Further, urges its membership to motivate and inspire the people of the communities they serve, to respond in a full measure to the nation-wide fund raising effort known as Operation Exodus, which seeks to finance a significant portion of the cost of the current Soviet Aliyah;
Further, urges its membership to call upon the Federations of their respective communities to designate a specific percentage of Operation Exodus funds for the purpose of spiritual absorption.