The RCA calls upon the State of Israel to assist the evacuees of Gaza and Shomron in assimilating back into Israeli society.
May 18, 2006
Whereas the evacuees of Gaza and Shomron have thus far yet to be fully housed and employed; and,
Whereas promises made to them have not yet been kept; and,
Whereas many families are left with no source of livelihood and adequate housing; and,
Whereas the current government proposes further future disengagement from many more populous settlements.
Therefore, the RCA calls on the government of Israel to assist these
evacuees in every way possible and to recognize the great sacrifice they
have long made for the successive governments which supported their
The RCA urges the government of Israel to carefully consider the
potential impact in terms of human suffering and dislocation which would
be caused by these plans, and urges the government to minimize the loss
of home and livelihood for the residents of Judea and Samaria.