Ethiopian Jewry 1988
June 1, 1988
Pastoral Education Committee 1988
June 1, 1988

Nazi War Criminals and Holocaust Education 1988


WHEREAS THE MEMORY OF THE HOLOCAUST is fading more and more into the distant past, and the generation of the Holocaust survivors is continuing to shrink, and there are those among the world of Anti-Semites who would dare to claim that the Holocaust never took place,

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

UPHOLDS THE RIGHT of the State of Israel to bring the Nazi War Criminal, John Bemjanjuk to trial, and expresses its faith in Israel’s Justice System and the verdict at which it arrived,

APPLAUDS THE CONTINUED EFFORTS of the OSI to find and bring to justice in an expeditious manner former Nazis,

APPLAUDS THE DECISION OF THE UNITED STATES JUSTICE DEPARTMENT not to allow Kurt Waldheim to enter the United States as a private citizen, as well as its decision to deport Karl Linnas to the Soviet Union for War Crimes Which he personally committed,

CALLS UPON the Government of the United States to pursue those former Nazis that, for whatever reason, found refuge in the United States, and to open up the War Crimes Files so that the prosecution of War Criminals can be expedited.

CALLS UPON each synagogue to commemorate the Holocaust by including references to it in the “Kinot” of “Tisha B’Av”, by reciting appropriate memorial prayers at “Yizkor” services and by observing memorial days such as YOM HASHOAH in appropriate manners.

URGES THE INCLUSION OF THE HOLOCAUST in the curricula of all Day Schools and afternoon Religious Schools, and to make every attempt to include it in the curricula of public schools and Parochial Schools of other faiths.

URGES THE ESTABLISHING OF archives and min-museums of memorabilia, and projects of oral history on the local level, which would preserve evidence and testimony from that period and serve as educational resource centers.

URGES THE SUPPORT OF foundations whose purposes are to ensure that this tragic chapter in history is never forgotten.


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