2012 Convention Resolution: Tuition Affordability
May 10, 2012
RCA and OU Call for Commemoration of Israel’s Olympic Athletes Slain in 1972 The IOC Still Has Time to Act, Our Synagogues Surely Will
July 26, 2012

May 16, 2012

The following chaverim were in attendance or on the conference call: Eitan Allen, Hanan Balk, Shalom Baum, Gedalyah Berger, Jack Bieler, Binyamin Blau, Aaron Borow, Nasanayl Braun, Daniel Cohen, Michael Davies, Mark Dratch, Ira Ebbin, Zvi Engel, Joel Finkelstein, Dov Fischer, Efrem Goldberg, Shmuel Goldin, Uri Goldstein, Avrohom Gordimer, Shlomo Grafstein, Simcha Green, Rafael Grossman, Kenneth Hain, Basil Herring, Shlomo Hochberg, Benjamin Kelsen, Yaakov Kermaier, Moshe Kletenik, Sam Klibanoff, Barry Kornblau, Daniel Korobkin, Doniel Kramer, Elly Krimsky, Ira Kronenberg, Yosie Levine, Akiva Males, Chaim Marder, Leonard Matanky, Asher Meir, Yehuda Oppenheimer, Ari Perl, Dale Polakoff, Myron Rakowitz, Mitchell Rocklin, Benjamin Samuels, Fabian Schonfeld, Yoel Schonfeld, Yerachmiel Seplowitz, Yehuda Septimus, David Shatz, Nisson Shulman, Tzvi Sinensky, Ze’ev Smason, Adam Starr, Chaim Strauchler, Ari Sytner, Eliyahu Teitz, Etan Tokayer, Kalman Topp, Reuven Tradburks, Richard Weiss, Shlomo Weissman, Michael Whitman, David Wolkenfeld, Daniel Yolkut, Michoel Zylberman

The following minutes were approved at the August 7th, 2012 meeting of the Executive Committee:

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held at the RCA office on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, the President, Shmuel Goldin in the chair, and Barry Kornblau acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

1. A motion was proposed and seconded to empower RCA officers to begin negotiations with Rabbi Mark Dratch to serve as Executive Vice-President of the RCA and with Rabbi Basil Herring regarding his continued role in the RCA.

2. A motion was proposed and seconded to table the above motion until a second candidate for Executive Vice-President is presented to the Executive Committee. This motion to table was not accepted by a vote of 12 in favor, 24 opposed, and 2 abstentions.

3. A motion to allow voting by email to permit those who participated in the present meeting/conference call to vote by email or phone call to Barry Kornblau until 9PM NY time on the motion (1., above) was approved by general acclamation.

4. The results of that vote were: 32 in favor, 14 opposed, 1 abstention.


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