Reaffirmation of the Halachic View of Proper Sexual Behavior 1993
June 1, 1993
RCA Condemns Attempt to Remove Judaism From The Curriculum in Israeli Schools
June 1, 1996

Israeli Prisoners of War (1993)

Israel Urges Arab States to Release The Israeli MIA’s In Compliance With Geneva Conventions

Whereas it is known that there are Israeli soldiers missing in action, and, whereas international law, according to the Geneva conventions, dictates that prisoners of war must be identified and their whereabouts be made known to their country, we urge the Arab States, during this period of peace talks with Israel, to release Capt. Ron Arad, Yehuda Katz, Zachary Baumel and Zvi Feldman.
The State of Israel has shown good faith by taking courageous steps in the negotiations with their Arab neighbors. It is now time that the Arab countries display humanitarian measures to show that they are serious about the peace process.
We also urge the United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to fulfill his pledge to do his utmost to win Ron Arad’s freedom. We urge the Rabbis and lay people of the Jewish community to write letters to their Senators, House of Representatives, the President and Secretary of State urging that this be a high priority issue on the foreign affairs agenda of the United States.

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