Golan Heights
January 18, 2000
Hakarat Hatov Award
May 6, 2000

Homosexual Relationships

Rabbinical Council of America Condemns Reform Statement on Homosexual Relationships

Mar 30, 2000 — The Rabbinical Council of America condemns the declaration of the Central Conference of American Rabbis that homosexual relationships are worthy of affirmation through Jewish ritual. As a timeless faith rooted in Divine revelation, Judaism’s laws cannot be abrogated by fiat or majority vote or redesigned to fit a current behavior pattern. Conferring legitimacy upon relationships, which our Torah and tradition specifically prohibit, is beyond the pale of acceptable Jewish teaching and practice.

Rabbi Kenneth Hain, President of the Rabbinical Council of America stated, “The decision by the Reform movement manifests another tragic assault on Kedushat Am Yisrael, the sanctity of our people. How unfortunate, that once again, the leaders of this movement have seen fit to undermine the unity of the Jewish people.”

The Rabbinical Council of America is the world’s largest body of Orthodox Rabbis serving communities throughout the world with its headquarters in New York and Jerusalem.

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