Harry and Esther Walker to Receive Rabbinical Council of America’s First Hakarat Hatov Award at The Rye Town Hilton, May 31, 2000
May 9, 2000 — “As world renowned individuals with reputations for integrity, as well as success, the Walkers’ leadership, care and concern for Torah causes, Israel and the fostering of Jewish unity are truly worthy of this award,” stated Rabbi Kenneth Hain, President of the Rabbinical Council of America and Rabbi of Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence. “They have been major benefactors of our synagogue, our sister synagogue Congregation Shaaray Tefila and many yeshivot. As ardent Zionists, they have given generously of their resources, but equally important, of their time and know how, enhancing Israel’s image in the eyes of the world.”
Mr. Walker, Chairman of America’s leading lecture agency, The Harry Walker Agency, for the past 53 years has represented the most prominent and foremost array of speakers of our time, such as Presidents Gerald Ford and George Bush, Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Rabbi Hain continued, “As prominent lay leaders, Esther and Harry Walker have elevated the status of the rabbinate, always exemplified Kavod HaRav, and enhanced the role of the rabbi as a Manhig HaKehilla, leader of the community. It is therefore the Rabbinical Council of America’s honor to bestow its first National Rabbinic HaKarat HaTov Award upon Esther and Harry Walker.”
The Rabbinical Council of America is the world’s largest body of Orthodox Rabbis serving communities throughout the world with its headquarters in New York and Jerusalem.