Golan Heights
Jan 18, 2000 — The Rabbinical Council of America congratulates Prime Minister Barak for his courage and commitment in the pursuit of peace. At the same time, we share the concern of many of the citizens of Israel over the transferral of the Golan Heights to Syrian rule or authority.
We are concerned due to Syria’s record of hostility and question the reliability of Assad as a peace partner. Syria has been identified by the U.S. State Department as a country which encourages, supports and harbors international terrorism. In addition, Syria has been responsible for the destiny and fate of Israeli P.O.W.s and M.I.A.s about whom no information has been released, in violation of International Accords, for almost two decades. We are deeply concerned about the painful social consequences over the dismantling of the communities of the Golan Heights.
We applaud the government’s commitment to a national referendum on this peace plan. We also applaud the orderly democratic process which is being enacted in Israel. We applaud the dignity and the temperate tone which were exhibited during the huge rally at Rabin Square and note the diversity of the make up of those assembled, and we applaud the moderate and balanced response and reaction of the Government.
We hope and pray for a peace that will have the support of Israel’s citizens.