The RCA Mourns the Death of Rav Chaim Druckman, ז”ל
December 26, 2022
Special Event in Honor of the Reprinting of the Writings of Chief Rabbi, Rav Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Herzog, z”l
January 23, 2023

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

December 28, 2022


At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held by conference call, on Wed., Dec. 28, 2022, President Binyamin Blau in the chair, and Reuven Tradburks acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

Binyamin Blau reported on his attendance at the White House for the Chanuka Candlelighting.  The RCA is planning a yom iyun for March 15 for professional development in New York and possibly in other parts of the country.  The special edition of HaDarom in honor of Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, z”l, has been distributed to our members.  A series of presentations on the dati leumi world of Israel, to help understand the Israeli scene is being developed.  An educational resource for sponsoring rabbis of converts is being developed.  Guidelines for protection from sexual abuse for our communities is being developed.

A motion to approve the following members passed unanimously:  Yosef Cohen, Moshe Drukman, Kalman Laufer, Chaim Metzger, Elliot Schrier, Dan Tobaly, Nechemya Wiener.

A motion to approve the 2023 Budget passed unanimously.  Special guest presentation by Barry Kislowicz, Scott Goldberg was made concerning Personal Coaching that they offer and how it can be beneficial.

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