April 7, 2020
As we enter the holiday of Pesach during
this time of crisis and upheaval, we are deeply concerned about the
safety and welfare of some of the members of our community. The social
isolation which is so necessary at this time can significantly impact a
person’s mental or physical well-being. The upcoming three day yom tov of Passover and Shabbat,
during which observant Jews will not use telephones and other forms of
electronic communication, may increase someone’s sense of isolation and
depression, and may negatively impact vulnerable individuals. Our Torah
places high value on the preservation of life. Pikuach nefesh (saving a life) overrides almost every other mitzvah in the Torah. Pikuach nefesh, in cases of potential physical or mental harm, requires us to act in ways that are otherwise prohibited.
Because of our great concern, in consultation with our poskim, we share the following instructions:
who are at risk of mental deterioration must not wait for severe
symptoms, such as suicidal ideation (thinking about committing suicide),
to develop before calling for help; preventative calls are Halachically
obligatory. Furthermore, it is important to do all we can to prevent
hospitalization. In the current circumstances, avoiding the exposure to
Covid-19 that may occur if at a hospital is an important factor in
protecting one’s health. One who feels at any risk of physical danger or
depression due to mental, physical, substance abuse, or abuse issues,
or other grave disorders, is required to use a phone on Yom Tov or Shabbat to call for help.
Whom should they call?
cases of immediate danger, call 911. In other cases, some may prefer to
call a therapist, friend, family member, rabbi, the hotline at Amudim
(888-7-AMUDIM, 888-726-8346 or 718-972-3000), or the National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255).
Those with a friend or family member who might call them for such a reason, must leave their phones on during Shabbat and Yom Tov
and monitor the caller ID of calls received. They should not hesitate
to answer the phone or return a call when that person calls on Shabbat or Yom Tov and may speak as long as is necessary. As public figures known to many, communal rabbis must monitor their phones throughout Yom Tov and Shabbat. If
the caller seems to be in immediate danger, they must call 911. If they
are not sure what is best for the caller, they should consult with a
mental health professional for guidance or call 911. These calls should
be encouraged and supported by all of us without judgment or stigma.
who know someone who is at risk—a family member, friend or
neighbor—should reach out to him/her in a way that maintains the
restrictions of social distancing. It is permissible to call him/her on
the telephone on Shabbat or Yom Tov.
In non-emergency situations, one should make and answer calls with a shinui (for
example, using one’s weaker hand or a knuckle). In emergency
situations, one should call for help in the fastest and most efficient
way possible.
pray for an end to this terrible pandemic, for the recovery of those
afflicted with the virus, and for the safety and well-being of all those
who struggle during these difficult times.