Communal Propriety 1999
June 1, 1999
Health Care Reform 1999
June 1, 1999

Engery Policy 1999

Jun 1, 1999 — Energy Policy

The United States has become an energy dependent nation, vulnerable to the oil producing nations and cartels. The issue of energy policy is of great importance to us both as United States citizens and as supporters of Israel. Furthermore, energy policy impacts on environmental issues, thus affecting the world we live in today as well as the world we leave to our children.

We therefore resolve that:

The RCA calls for efforts to increase energy efficiency in home, car and office. Ultimately, we can best build energy independence through improved and effective utilization of our resources. We shall continue to support specific increases in the Corporation Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFÉ) standards increasing the number of miles per gallon our automobiles must travel.

We support efforts to ensure that the Strategic Petroleum Resource (SPR) will be used with efficacy and intelligence.

We will similarly favor full exploration of the Alaskan Oil Fields subject to rigorous maintenance of environmental standards.

We will continue to advocate innovative energy flexibility. Alternative energy smarter buildings and vehicles, increased exploration and creative research and development will help ensure better energy utilization.

The RCA will also work to establish a greater understanding among our members as to how each Rabbi and his synagogue can make a difference in the conservation of the environment.

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