Rabbinical Council of America Supports Israel’s Position on Developing the E 1 Corridor
December 5, 2012
RCA on Guilty Verdict of Orthodox Jew for Child Molestation
December 10, 2012

December 5, 2012

The following chaverim were in attendance or on the conference call: Daniel Alter, Gedalyah Berger, Binyamin Blau, Nasanayl Braun, Dovid Cohen, Judah Dardik, Mark Dratch, Zvi Engel, Shmuel Goldin, Sam Klibanoff, Barry Kornblau, Doniel Kramer, Ira Kronenberg, Chaim Marder, Leonard Matanky, Ari Perl, Dale Polakoff, Chaim Poupko, Steven Pruzansky, David Rabhan, Mitchell Rocklin, Benjamin Samuels, Yerachmiel Seplowitz, Ze’ev Smason, Eliyahu Teitz, Etan Tokayer, Reuven Tradburks, Elie Weinstock, Shlomo Weissman, Daniel Yolkut, Michoel Zylberman.

The following minutes were approved at the February 20th, 2013 meeting of the Executive Committee:

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held at the RCA office on Wednesday, December 5, 2012, the President, Shmuel Goldin in the chair, and Barry Kornblau acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:
1. A motion to accept minutes of the November, 2012, Executive Committee meeting passed unanimously.
2. A motion to approve the membership applications of Aryeh Czarka, Yair Silverstein, and Levi Welton was approved unanimously.
3. A revised version of the RCA Election Procedures considered at the November, 2012 Executive Committee meeting was discussed and repeatedly amended. The final, amended version of the proposal passed unanimously.


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