Mar 1, 2005
The Rabbinical Council of America, the largest group of Orthodox
rabbis in the world, has today issued a statement regarding Brit Milah
(circumcision) and Metzitza (Oral Suction).
The statement reads as follows:
Bris Milah and Metzitza be’Peh
(Ritual Circumcision and Oral Suction)
A Policy Statement by the
Rabbinical Council of America
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Bris Milah (ritual circumcision of Jewish males, performed on the 8th
day after birth unless there are health contraindications) is a
fundamental cornerstone of Jewish life and Biblical law. An important
element of every Bris Milah is Metzitzah be’Peh, the extracting of blood
from the wound and/or surrounding tissue using the mouth as the source
of suction. This practice has been prevalent in all Jewish communities
worldwide for thousands of years.
There has been a longstanding debate in the halachic responsa literature
of the past several hundred years regarding the optimal way to fulfill
the precept of suctioning. There are halachic authorities who mandate
that only suction created via direct contact of the mouth to the wound
adequately satisfies this requirement. Other halachic authorities,
however, fully permit performing oral suctioning through a tube even as
an ideal method of implementation of this precept.
A well-trained mohel, adhering to the scientific principles of sterile
technique and antisepsis, essentially reduces the infectious risk of
circumcision to the point where it is close to zero. Performing oral
suction via a sterile tube does not pose any increased risk.
For those authorities who follow the view that suction via a sterile
tube is completely permitted as a matter of Jewish law, this is clearly
the optimal method to fulfill the requirement of Metzitzah be’Peh. In
this manner, one absolutely fulfills the precept whilst placing the
infant and mohel at no additional risk.
Based upon a careful study of the available halachic and scientific
literature, as well as a review of sanctioned practice by numerous
reliable Torah authorities past and present, it is the position of the
RCA that the requirement of Metzitzah is fulfilled completely and
unambiguously by the use of oral suctioning through a tube, as practiced
by many mohelim in our communities. Therefore, according to this
viewpoint, the use of such a tube is not only permissible, but is
preferred (instead of direct oral contact) to eliminate any
unintentional communication of infectious diseases. This protects both
the mohel and the newly circumcised child.
An additional reason to encourage the use of a tube to fulfill the
requirements of Metzitzah is that we not discourage less committed
Jewish men and women from observing ritual circumcision (and possibly
other Jewish rituals). Indeed, even some authorities who otherwise
require Metzitzah be’Peh via direct oral contact, sanction a tube if
that is the only way that the parents of a child would observe the
mitzvah of Bris Milah.
In light of the above, the RCA urges its member rabbis, their
congregants, synagogues and institutions, as well as the larger Jewish
community, to encourage and where possible necessitate, that Metzitzah
be’Peh be fulfilled via a tube.
About the RCA:
The Rabbinical Council of America, with national headquarters in New
York City, is a professional organization serving over 1000 Orthodox
Rabbis in the United States of America, Canada, Israel, and around the
world. Membership is comprised of duly ordained Orthodox Rabbis who
serve in positions of the congregational Rabbinate, Jewish education,
chaplaincies, and other allied fields of Jewish communal work.
For further information contact:
Rabbi Dr. Basil Herring
Executive Vice President
The Rabbinical Council of America