RCA Resources for Chaverim Interested in Aliyah


Meet the RCA Aliyah Mentors:

Your chaverim are here to help you! You’re invited to contact us to ask questions, learn more about work for an RCA Rabbi in Israel or just shmooze about Aliyah in a confidential manner

Yossi Goldin

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Yossi Goldin made aliyah in 2007, and lives in Shaalvim with his family. He is Director of Young Israel in Israel, heads the Shuls Department at World Mizrachi, and is Israel Immersion Coordinator at RIETS Israel ~ Email: yossigoldin@gmail.com Phone/Whatsapp: 052-727-9792


Introducing a new RCA Desk at Nefesh B’nefesh
headed by Marc Rosenberg

Feel free to be in touch with Marc for any Aliyah resources that Nefesh B’Nefesh can provide.

Marc Rosenberg is the VP of Diaspora Partnerships at Nefesh B’Nefesh – a non-profit organization that is revitalizing Aliyah from North America. He is an experienced educator and collaborates with several educational institutions in Jerusalem and around the world. Originally from Cherry Hill, NJ, Marc lives in Jerusalem with his wife and family.

Email: mrosenberg@nbn.org.il



RCA Hebrew Chaburah!

Feel free to each out to us with anything related to this initiative:

Reuven Tradburks: rtradburks@gmail.com or 054-941-4252 (Whatsapp)

Jay Weinstein: rabbiweinstein@gmail.com or 058-691-4511 (Whatsapp)