The Sancta of Jewish Life 1981
June 1, 1981
Yeshiva University 1981
June 1, 1981


Jun 1, 1981 — VII. ON UNESCO

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

RECORDS the original goals of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as seeking to further those high values through the world;

SADLY NOTES that far from its original purposes, that organization now serves as a forum for Arab and Soviet Bloc attacks against the United States and Israel, having recently increased its deviation from its original mandate by politicizing its actions, and specifically:

a. by its efforts to create a “new world information order” which would seriously abridge freedom form the press, by requiring press support for the policies of existing governments; and

b. by its assaults on a democratic member of the United Nations, the State of Israel , through its support of the Islamic States Broadcasting Association, which disseminated blatantly anti-Semitic propaganda;

AND THEREFORE CALLS UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND APPROPRIATE AGENCIES, to withhold any further subvention to UNESCO as long as UNESCO continues to politicize its actions through anti-Western, anti-democratic attacks in violation of its mandate, and to grant no loans to UNESCO during the period in which the United States has withheld funds from the organization.


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