Jewish Education 1981
June 1, 1981
Medical Ethics 1981
June 1, 1981

Kashrut 1981

Jun 1, 1981 — XVI. ON KASHRUT

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled, 

REAFFRIMS its convictions that the interests of Kashrut are best served when supervision of Kashrut is in the hands of responsible communal organizations rather than in the hands of private entrepreneurs who profit by offering their supervision;

CONGRATULATES the Kashruth Division of the Orthodox Union for its yeoman and pioneering history in communal Kashrut, and for withstanding unconscionable attacks upon its integrity and practices, over recent years;

LOOKS FORWARD TO continues and increasing interaction with the Orthodox Union through the Joint Kashruth Commission;

IS GRATIFIED that the Orthodox Union is attempting to act also in the matter of the cost of kosher products, and to include the observance of fair business practices among its criteria for granting Kashrut approval;

CALLS UPON the local rabbi in his community to act in concert with other rabbis of the region, to intervene in the market-pricing practices of kosher products, thereby to better protect the observant consumer.


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