The Greater Orthodox Jewish Community 1987
June 1, 1987
Israeli Yeshivot (1987)
June 1, 1987

Support For Israel (1987)

RCA Reaffirms Its Solidarity With Israel

Jun 1, 1987 — The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

REAFFIRMS its solidarity with the State of Israel, as a visible sign of G-d’s covenant and eternal promise to the Children of Israel, as it is about to enter the 40th Anniversary of Statehood.

CONTINUES TO PRAY for her greater security and expanding peace between Israel and her neighbors and pledges to continue its spiritual and economic support of the State.

REAFFIRMS ITS SUPPORT of continued Jewish settlement of Judea and Sameria, which is part of ERETZ YISRAEL, and urge the continued financial support of the existing settlements.

CONTINUES TO STAND firmly behind the Chief Rabbinate and all of its Halachic decisions and recommendations as they apply to the state of Israel.

REAFFIRMS ITS OWN EFFORTS to bring about a rapprochement between secular and religious groups in Israel.

CONDEMNS recent efforts to undermine Israel’s basic law that has placed the laws of personal status and conversion in the hands of the Chief Rabbinate, and to pressure Knesset members, to vote or not to vote of a certain matters to the point of blackmail.

CALLS UPON ITS MEMBERSHIP, to continue to support the State of Israel and its people by any spiritual, political and economic means possible. We urge our membership to continue to give full support to the United Jewish Appeal, Israel Bonds, Jewish National Fund, other investments, as well as in support of other charitable and educational endeavors, especially Yeshivat Hadarom and Yeshiva Ahuzat Yaakov.

CALLS UPON American Jews to cease and desist from interfering in Israel’s political life and from exporting to Israel those schisms which threaten to tear us asunder as a people.

CALLS UPON THE RELGIOUS COMMUNITIES WITHIN ISRAELI SOCIETY, to reach out to our fellow Jews from other camps with love and understanding, and for all Jews within Israel, secular and religious, to seek to understand each other and to live in peace.

CALLS UPON ITS MEMBERS AND THEIR CONGREGATIONS to encourage Aliya to Israel, in order to help populate the country, develop its industrial and professional services and help to enhance the religious dimensions of the country.

WE CALL UPON THE RABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICA and its ISRAEL REGION to develop a program to deal with Rabbis of pre-retirement age who would like to go on Aliya, which will disseminate information on employment opportunities, housing, etc.

CALLS UPON ITS MEMBERS to personally visit the State of Israel and to encourage tourism among their congregants by sponsoring congregational tours, in order to show our solidarity with the State, support it economically and create a constituency which supports Israel financially and morally.


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