Relations With Non-Jewish Groups 1987
June 1, 1987
The Greater Orthodox Jewish Community 1987
June 1, 1987

Social Welfare Programs 1987

Jun 1, 1987 — Social Welfare Programs

WHEREAS the Rabbinical Council of America is aware of the importance of the role of all of us in TIKKUN OLAM,

WHEREAS the Rabbinical Council of America is aware of many social inequities that affect all segments of the population of this country, such as poverty, homelessness, discrimination against minorities, including Jews, and

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

REAFFIRMS its commitment to ameliorating the economic and social difficulties which confront lower and middle income families.

WE CALL UPON our government officials to extend Medicaid, social and welfare assistance to those who need them but are unable to pay for them because of the current conditions,

WE URGE the Jewish Community to become involved in ameliorating the problems of all segments of the community who are in need, such as by having good drives, and creating and supporting temporary shelters for the homeless whenever feasible, and

WE URGE OUR MEMBERS to be at the forefront of the leadership in building bridges between us and responsible members of other minorities in order to make our communities better and safer places to live.

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