Shabbos as a Standard of Kashrus 1990
June 1, 1990
Torah Learning 1990
June 1, 1990

Torah For Children 1990

Jun 1, 1990 — Torah For Children

Affirming that the future of a meaningful Jewish life is dependant upon a strong Jewish educational system;

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled

Calls upon all American Jews to support their local Yeshivos, Day Schools, and Kollelim, as well as the major Torah learning institutions throughout this country and Israel;

Calls upon all religious and lay leaders of the Jewish community to enhance the position of the Torah educator by reframing the salary structure and the professional status of all who devote their professional lives to educating the next generation’s Shomrei Torah and Lomdei Torah.

Calls upon the leaders of the Jewish community to provide a Jewish education for all Jewish children and to develop programs for the learning disabled and developmentally disabled e.g. P’tach, in order to realize this goal.

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