Operation Exodus 1990
June 1, 1990
Services to the Senior Adult Community 1990
June 1, 1990

Persecuted Jews Around the World 1990

Jun 1, 1990 — Persecuted Jews Around the World

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled

Reaffirms its solidarity with beleaguered Jewish communities around the world, wherever Jews are oppressed;

Loudly voices its concern regarding the thousands of Jews of Ethiopia, Iran, and Syria, whose plight is of profound concern to all Jews the world over;

Calls upon all governments of conscience to repudiate the scourge of anti-Semitism and to actively work towards the granting of full religious and political freedom where such freedom does not presently exist;

Calls upon the national leadership of the Jewish community to focus the world’s attention on the increasing anti-Semitism afflicting European Jewry.

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