Genetic Engineering and Cloning 1997
June 1, 1997
Preservation of the Family 1997
June 1, 1997

Integrity of the Morah De’ Asrah 1997

Jun 1, 1997 — Integrity of the Morah De’ Asrah

The Rabbinical Council of America reaffirms its support for the integrity of individual halachic decision making on the part of the morah de’asrah). Among those who accept tile halachic process and are part of tile Torah community, tile possibility of disagreement not only exists but is an integral part of tile system. Attempts to insist on only one type of practice or one understanding of a particular practice or halachic decision are simply not in keeping with the spirit of Torah Judaism. As long as these questions are approached with integrity and Will fealty to the sources, no rav should feel that he must decide a halachic question in accordance with anything but Ins own integrity and scholarship. The Rabbinical Council of America, in convention assembled, calls on all in tile Jewish community to promote a greater sense of tolerance in all their actions and dealings. Tolerance by definition implies reacting in gentle and positive ways to those things with which one disagrees. Tolerance does not mean acceptable. Tolerance does not me all validation. Tolerance does mean that disagreement is done respectfully and argument is done appropriately, while at tile same time trying to find as many ways as possible to provide positive interaction with those on the other side of tile table with whom one may disagree.


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