Health Care Proxy
July 8, 1997
Domestic Violence 1998
June 1, 1998

Agunot 1998


WHEREAS, there are women who are unable to remarry long after their marriages are effectively over because their husbands refuse to cooperate in the delivery of a get; and
WHEREAS, the refusal to grant a get after a marriage is effectively over is a form of abuse against one’s spouse and an abuse of the spirit ofHalachah; and,
WHEREAS, even if one woman suffered from such abuse it would be tragic, but, to our great consternation, there are many women who desire gittin that are refused to them;
WHEREAS, there are devastating personal, emotional, economic and spiritual effects upon the women who are denied proper divorces and upon their children who see the
manipulation ofHalachah and decency by the recalcitrant parent,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rabbinical Council calls for its member rabbis to actively and aggressively help the women in their communities receive gittin; for communities to adopt and implement ways, through social sanctions and other methods, to encourage recalcitrant spouses to grant gittin; for Batei Din to continue to explore proper, halachic ways to enable more gittin to be delivered and for Batei Din and rabbis to be more proactive in their efforts; to encourage others who might be using halachically objectionable means to end marriages to submit support for their methods for review by their colleagues and to desist from creating possible situations of arayot and mamzerut;
and for the members of the Rabbinical Council of America to educate their communities about, and to encourage the use of, the Pre-Nuptial Agreements which have previously been accepted by this organization.

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