Batei Din 1999
June 1, 1999
Engery Policy 1999
June 1, 1999

Communal Propriety 1999

Jun 1, 1999 — Communal Propriety

The social and cultural norms of the society that surrounds us have, sadly enough, impacted on our community. Extravagant personal consumption often dwarfs our commitment to the urgent needs of our communal institutions. Every effort must be made to educate the Jewish community to avoid such practices both because they are wrong and because they may lead to Chillul Hashem. In communal affairs, our commitment to ritual observance must be expressed with impeccable integrity and concern for harmonious relationships with our fellow Jews. Our organizations should choose as leaders, honorees and role models only whose ethical standards reflect Torah values.

We therefore resolve that:

RCA members are urged to develop appropriate guidelines for their own activities and for limiting ostentatious consumption and soaring expenses.
The RCA mandates its executives, in consultation with Torah authorities, to develop programs to stress communal ethics to the Jewish community.


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