RCA Condemns Destruction of Holy Sites in Gaza
September 13, 2005
Testimony of RCA at Senate Judiciary Committee
September 16, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and the Mystery of God’s Ways

The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: The Rabbinical Council of America Issues a Statement on the Mystery of God’s Ways

Sep 13, 2005 — The Rabbinical Council of America expresses its heartfelt sympathy to all the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Together with other organizations throughout America, we have set up national relief efforts to raise the necessary funds to assist in the physical and spiritual reconstruction of the devastated communities.

Mortal man is not privy to the ways of the Immortal One, and we do not always understand why sadness and tragedy are part of human life. The ways of the Creator of us all are hidden and mysterious. In the words of the prophet Isaiah (55:8-9), ?My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways, saith the Lord. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts.?

Nevertheless, as believing Jews and as rabbis, we reaffirm our faith in the infinite and mysterious God above, Who is the Source of all strength, solace and comfort. In the midst of our collective suffering and pain, we reach out to Him for strength and wisdom, for our faith in Him as our Rock and our Redeemer remains firm and undiminished.

The spirit of God that dwells within all human beings has already manifested itself in deeds of loving kindness towards the victims, and in offerings of time, resources, prayer, and love.

Our hearts and hopes go out to all the victims of the disaster. We pray that the sick will soon be healed, the injured made whole, the homeless sheltered, the shattered rebuilt, the bereaved comforted, and the broken in spirit mended.


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