RCA calls upon its members to educate concerning the importance of preserving the environment.
May 18, 2006
Whereas the Rabbinical Council of America recognizes that the
Torah commands us “to work and to guard” the earth (Bereishit 2:15), and
places humanity, as the pinnacle of creation, in the role of
responsible stewardship toward it; and
Whereas the RCA recognizes that the Shulchan Arukh says that it is
forbidden, according to the law of the Torah, to inflict pain upon any
living creature, even if it is ownerless or belongs to a non-Jew (Cf.
Ramo, Shulchan Arukh, Choshen Mishpat, 272:9), and
Whereas the RCA heeds the call of the Midrash, “Pay attention not to
ruin and destroy My world, for if you do, there will be no one to fix it
after you” (Kohelet Rabbah 7:28); and,
Whereas the RCA recognizes that over the past decades, humans have
changed ecosystems rapidly and extensively, resulting in a substantial
and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth, and
causing problems that, unless addressed, will substantially diminish the
available resources for future generations,
Now, therefore, it is
Resolved that the RCA encourages its members to educate themselves and
their constituents both scientifically and halakhically on issues
connected to the environment and its protection.
Resolved that the RCA encourages its members to teach that the
preservation of the environment is an issue of importance in the eyes of
the Torah and the Rabbis.
Resolved that the RCA encourages its members to seriously consider
products, practices and programming that will promote ecological
awareness and help to protect our environment.