At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held by conference call, on Wed., Oct. 21, 2020, President Daniel Korobkin in the chair, and Reuven Tradburks acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:
President’s Report.
Daniel Korobkin reported on the importance of the committees of the RCA and the plans to focus on their work. Initiative is being made to reach out to Sephardic Rabbanim to increase membership of Sephardic Rabbanim and their involvement in the RCA. Efforts being made to plan for the anticipated post election divisions as well as to analyse COVID related initiatives as to their effectivness.
Tradition Report. Jeffrey Saks presented the report attached as an addendum at the end of these minutes. Rabbi Saks was commended for his efforts.
GPS Report. Michoel Zylberman reported on GPS activities including the adjustments made as a result of COVID and the inability of in person meetings in the Batei Din, as well as efforts made to maintain communication with candidates.
Beth Din of America. Shlomo Weissmann reported on gittin continuing on location, Dinei Torah through ZOOM and not in the BDA office as well as personnel changes, including the appointment of Rabbi Zylberman as Assistant Director of the BDA.
Israel Region. Reuven Tradburks reported on the success of the RCA Ulpan l’Giyur as the course nears the end of its first year as well as continuing meetings and contacts with important leaders.
Military Chaplaincy. Ira Kronenberg reported on the efforts of the chaplains in these challenging COVID times. Chaplaincy requires Semicha, a BA and an MA. The requirement of an MA has been a challenge for some seeking Chaplaincy.
Health Care Chaplaincy. Doniel Kramer encouraged continued support of health care chaplaincy.
Guest Report. Moshe Hauer, Ex. Vice President of the Orthodox Union.