RCA Siddur Avodat Halev
The NEW RCA Siddur – Siddur Avodat Halev, is a full Siddur for Weekday, Shabbat, Festivals and Holidays
Ten years in the making, this outstanding Siddur from the Rabbanim of the RCA includes the following features, among many others:
– Full contemporary, yet accurate, translation
– An entirely new commentary utilizing a wide range of Rabbinic as well as academic sources
– Additional prayers for life cycle events, and the observance of Yom Hashoah, Yom Haatzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim
– The entire book of Psalms, in Hebrew and English
– Supplementary essays by leading contemporary rabbinic leaders
– Inclusive of men’s and women’s Tefillot
– Detailed on-page Halakhic instructions approved by recognized authorities
– Produced by an outstanding team of dozens of RCA members and consulting scholars, under the leadership of Rabbi Basil Herring, editor-in-chief.
With all of its groundbreaking features the Siddur Avodat Halev is likely to become the standard Siddur used in English-speaking Orthodox communities for many years to come.
To see a detailed listing of many of the special features of the Siddur Avodat HaLev, click here.
Available for Purchase at Koren Publishers