June 1, 1981
The Administration of the U.S. 1981
June 6, 1981

The Jewish Community 1981


The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

AFFIRMS that the Jewish community includes all Jews, observant and non-observant alienated or identified; that a Jew, though he sins, remains a Jew; that it is a mitzvah to reacquaint Jews with their heritage that is theirs by birth or by their choice through proper Halachic conversion;

REAFFIMRS the covenantal character of Jewish Peoplehood;

LOOKS ASKANCE at attempts by heterodox and secular groups to “redefine” Judaism or Jewishness in order to suit a momentary sociological, demographic or social need;

PARTICULARLY REJECTS a recent proposal by a spokesman of the Reform movement, to violate Jewish tradition through abrogation of the Halacha that determines Jewishness through matrilineal descent;

CALLS UPON individuals in positions of leadership in the Jewish community to cease and desist from all suggestions that would serve only to further erode and divide the community in vital areas of religious life, including Kashrut, Shabbath, arayot, and geirut, and Rabbinic leadership;

INVITES all Orthodox Rabbinic and lay groups once again, to act in concert and cooperation in order to strengthen a unified Jewish community, and to cleanse itself of pettiness, competitiveness, partisanship and demeaning divisiveness.


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