Q & A on Inyanei Pesach and the Coronavirus with Rav Willig
April 6, 2020
In Memory of the Jewish Victims of COVID-19
April 6, 2020

SBA Clarifies Eligibility of Faith-Based Organizations to Participate in Paycheck Protection and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs

Office of Public Liaison

April 6, 2020 – Amanda Robbins, Associate Director

On Saturday, the Small Business Administration issued a press release clarifying eligibility of faith-based organizations to participate in BOTH the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans loan programs for COVID recovery. That press release is linked HERE.

HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump Updates Americans on Coronavirus Response Efforts



PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In closing, I also want to note today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week for Christians in America and all around the world.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We may be apart, but we can use this time to turn to reflection and prayer and our own personal relationship with God. I would ask that all Americans pray for the heroic doctors and nurses, for the truck drivers and grocery store workers, and for everyone fighting this battle.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Most of all, I would like ask for your prayers for the families who have lost loved ones. Ask God to comfort them in their hour of grief, a great hour of grief for our nation, for the world.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “With the faith of our families, and the spirit of our people, and the Grace of our God, we will endure, we will overcome, we will prevail. We have learned so much. We will be stronger than ever.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We have the best doctors, the best military leaders, and the best logistics professionals anywhere in the world.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In the days ahead, America will endure the peak of this terrible pandemic, our warriors in this life-and-death battle are the incredible doctors and nurses and health care workers on the front line of the fight. We pledge to them our eternal gratitude and everlasting support. They make all of us very proud.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “50 states and territories have now been approved for major disaster declarations.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ll have deployed over 3,000 military and public health professionals to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and other parts of our country.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We have 600 [ventilators] to Illinois, we have 100 to Massachusetts, we have 300 to Michigan, we have 200 to Louisiana, we have 500 ventilators, 500, going to New Jersey and this is being done by FEMA, being delivered by FEMA.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re also establishing a federal medical station in the Washington, D.C. area to help Washington, D.C.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, every patriotic American heart beats in solidarity with the incredible people of New York and New Jersey.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In New York, the first time where the deaths were less from the previous day. That’s the first drop so far. So maybe that’s a good sign.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers, New York City’s Javits Center is now one of the largest hospitals in the United States. It’s designated for treatment of the virus, patients, and staff by hundreds of federal medical personnel deployed from two Army hospital units.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The USNS Comfort, which is in New York – there’s been a lot of publicity about that coming in. That was not supposed to be for the virus at all, under any circumstances. But it looks like more and more we’re going to be using it for that.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Tomorrow, we’ll deliver an additional 600,000 N95 masks to New York City to take care of the needs of the public hospital system.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We will also be delivering another 200,000 N95 masks to Suffolk County, where they need it very badly.”


SECRETARY WILKIE: “I have ordered our veterans hospitals to begin preparing more than 1500 beds to make them available both at the ICU and the acute-care level to the states and localities across the country.”

SECRETARY WILKIE: “As a result of that, we have opened up approximately 100 beds in the metropolitan New York area.”

SECRETARY WILKIE: “We will be informing the Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, tomorrow that we will give him access to our V.A. Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana to come to the aid of the people of the Pelican State.”

SECRETARY WILKIE: “I have also given instructions to initiate the fourth mission in Michigan. We will be providing the people of Michigan access to hospital beds in both in Ann Arbor and in Detroit.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is rapidly implementing the largest emergency economic relief package in American history, you’ve seen what has been happening. Billions of dollars in small business loans have already been processed through paycheck protection programs.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “It’s all about jobs, want you to keep your jobs, give small business funding to keep the workers on the payroll, and we are sending direct cash payments to millions of Americans and rushing aid to the hardest hit industries.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Since last Sunday, cargo planes have delivered almost – listen to this – 300 million gloves, almost 8 million masks, and 3 million gowns. And many more fully loaded cargo planes are right now on the way.”

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Governor Inslee today announced that they were sending 400 ventilators back to the strategic national stockpile, and those will be deployed at the point of need.”

REAR ADM. JOHN POLOWCZYK: “The air bridge, we had three additional flights come in today, bringing a million gowns, 2.8 million N95 masks, 2.8 million surgical masks, 11.8 million gloves, 18.6 thousand gowns on three flights. And that material will be pushed out across the nation, and delivered to hospitals, nursing homes across the country.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I can report today that the United States has now tested and given results, gotten results of 1.67 million people, that’s far more than any other country’s been able to do.”

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Governor Whitmer and I spoke about a new program in Detroit that will make hydrochloroquine available for 3,000 patients through the Henry Ford Hospital.”

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