They Shut Down All Access to my Workplace and I Had Chametz in my Desk? I Have Always Been Strict Not to Sell My Chametz?
March 20, 2020
Q/A with Rav Schachter and Rav Willig with Permission from Mizrachi Rabbi Chat
March 20, 2020

Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

March 20, 2020 – by Dr. Joanna Fava, Psychologist

I thought I’d put together a guide to help myself, my clients, and others cope with the increasing fear, depression, stress, boredom, confusion, and isolation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a difficult time for many and stressors from work (or lack thereof), family, school, and the situation itself can overwhelm us, thereby depleting our immune systems and making us more susceptible to mental and/or physical illness. I urge you all to take a break from the stress, ask yourself “What can I do for myself right now to make myself feel a little better? What do I need?” and then do something to help yourself feel a bit more in control. After all, we cannot control the pandemic or much that is going on right now outside of our own homes. We We have choices. Pay attention to yourself and what you need and make intentional and mindful choices throughout your day to break up the worry or stress, boredom or isolation.

Go through this list of options, add to it your own ideas, circle ones that you might want to do or that could work for you, and then put them on your schedule or set a reminder on your phone to try them out! Last night, I sat down with this list with my husband and we went through all of the things that could work for our family to relieve some of the frustration, and we
worked some into the day today. I truly believe that today was a much better day as a result.

Click here to download. Share with your communities

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