2016 Resolution: Anti-Semitic Intimidation on North American College and University Campuses
January 26, 2017
RCA Condemns Attack on Quebec Mosque
January 30, 2017

RCA and OU Respond to Executive Order

In response to the Executive Order signed Friday by President Trump, the RCA and OU reaffirm the principles of the joint statement we issued in December, 2015.

We said then:

“We call on all Americans to reaffirm that discrimination against any group based solely upon religion is wrong and anathema to the great traditions of religious and personal freedoms upon which this country was founded.”

We further stated that “we recognize that the complex issues that face us in ensuring the safety and security from terror of innocents and free societies throughout the world need to be addressed, but need to be done in sober and responsible ways. We call upon….the United States government to recognize the threats posed by radical Islamists, while preserving and protecting the rights of all people who seek peace, no matter how they worship God.”


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