November 6, 2019
November 6, 2019
RCA Welcomes US Statement on Legality of Israeli Settlements
November 20, 2019

September 11, 2019


Gershon Albert, Dovid Asher, Shalom Baum, Avi Billet, Binyamin Blau, Michael Bleicher, Tuvia Brander, Mark Dratch, Adam Dubin, Elie Eleff, Zvi Engel, Shaanan Gelman, Yitzchak Genack, Yaakov Gibber, Efrem Goldberg, Seth Grauer, David Hellman, Shlomo Hochberg, Yisrael Isaacs, Daniel Korobkin, Ira Kronenberg, Chaim Marcus, Binyamin Marwick, Yechiel Morris, Yisrael Motzen, Jonathan Muskat, Ari Perl, Adir Posy, Chaim Poupko, Yechiel Shaffer, Zev Spitz, Chaim Strauchler, Gil Student, Reuven Tradburks, Brahm Weinberg, Elie Weinstock, Michael Whitman, Howard Zack, Arie Zahtz, Michael Zylberman

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held by conference call, on Wed., Sept. 11, 2019, President Daniel Korobkin in the chair, and Reuven Tradburks acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

Daniel Korobkin, President, reported on:

  • The Prenup Project has been launched.  This is designed to increase awareness of Prenups and to encourage their use by highlighting the widespread support by RCA members.  Please try to distribute through social media.
  • We would like every Executive Committee member to be a member of a committee.  The following committees are in progress and members are encouraged to volunteer to serve on these: Semicha Standards, Halacha, Publications, Technology and Website, Convention, Israel, Rabbinic Welfare, Fundraising, Healthcare, Security, Military, Rebbetsin, Retirement, Sephardic.
  • The RCA has is working to craft guidelines for managing the announcement of life cycle events of LGBTQ members and for outling halachically appropriate ways to welcome these mebers.

Mark Dratch, Exec. VP reported on:

  • RCA is cooperating with Encyclopedia Talmudit on a volume in honor of Rav Hershel Schachter.
  • RCA is participating on national initiatives concerning Anti-semitism.  All incidents of Anti-semitism should be reported.
  • Webinar from Yad Vashem on resources of Yad Vashem as well as on Anti Semitism are valuable for our members.

A motion to accept the Yeshiva Gedolah of Waterbury as an approved masmich was passed unanimously.

A motion to accept Alexander Agishtein, Shaya Karlinsky, Judah Ari Kerbel, Yehuda Mann and Yosef Sharbat for membership passed unanimously.

Rabbi Michoel Zylberman, Director, GPS, reported on the GPS (Conversion) Batei Din.  Planning to have Sponsoring Rabbi conferences.  The relationship with the office of the Chief Rabbi is strong and open, with regular requests from them for input on documentation. 

Rabbi Reuven Tradburks, Israel Region, reported on the launching of an RCA Ulpan l’Giyur, the educational component required for conversion through the Batei Din under the Rabbanut.

The meeting was adjourned.

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