Whereas the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael) is the eternal national homeland of the Jewish people, and the State of Israel (Medinat Yisrael) is the contemporary realization of Jewish sovereignty there; and,
Whereas the Rabbinical Council of America is passionately committed to a Religious Zionism which promotes the flourishing of Medinat Yisrael, seeing its establishment and continued existence as an historic, Divine gift which embodies Jewish national dignity, sovereignty, and the first flowering of the redemption; and,
Whereas Jews across the globe have a dutiful privilege to express thanksgiving (hakarat ha-tov) to God for the opportunity to witness and advance the welfare of Medinat Yisrael; and,
Whereas since its founding, Medinat Yisrael has faced constant military threats to its existence; and,
Whereas some contemporary criticism of Israel and anti-Zionism masks its proponents’ anti-Semitism which endangers the lives the Jews everywhere; and,
Whereas for decades, Israel has sought peaceful co-existence with its neighbors, only to be rebuffed repeatedly by Palestinian representatives; and,
Whereas the diaspora Jewish communities are inexorably linked to the Jewish State and to their brothers and sisters who have preceded them in settling there (making aliyah); and,
Whereas Jews across the world have a moral, religious, and historic duty to advocate on behalf of the State of Israel
Therefore, the Rabbinical Council of America encourages Jews of all ages and everywhere to commit to the values of Religious Zionism and to seek opportunities to actively advance and strengthen the State of Israel. Avenues to do so include:
Aliyah: Joining Israel’s ranks as active, productive citizens by making aliyah is the optimal way to fulfill the ideal of Religious Zionism and to strengthen Israel.
Visit: Israel should be the preferred destination for recreational travel and when choosing a vacation property, Pesach program, or school-vacation trip. Young people should participate in a program such as Birthright, a year studying Torah in an Israeli yeshiva or seminary after high school, and a study year abroad in Israel during college.
Awareness: In addition to focusing on Israel’s welfare, individuals, schools, and communities should regularly integrate conversation about contemporary Israeli affairs, history, ideas, and culture into conversations, curricula, and public programming.
Dialogue: We must dialogue with all Jews and Jewish organizations – particularly those whose religious or political outlooks differ from our own – in order to encourage their participation and support for educational, political, financial, and other initiatives that strengthen Israel.
Advocacy: We must initiate and take part in existing advocacy projects, programs, and initiatives that counter current efforts to damage, endanger, or destroy Israel. We must educate our children in high school to defend and advocate for Israel on secular university campuses and beyond. We must seek out opportunities to project to neighbors, co-workers, and politicians the increasingly vital role that Israel plays in the world’s economy, security, health, and as a moral exemplar.
Investment: We must strengthen Israel’s economy by investing in Israel Bonds and by doing business with Israeli companies.
Charity: We must include worthy Israeli institutions as part of our charitable giving.
Ivrit: Given its centrality in the historic and modern Jewish experience, individuals and institutions must promote knowledge of and fluency in Hebrew.
Tefilah: Diaspora Jews must pray regularly for the welfare of the State of Israel and its people.