The Rabbinical Council of America, representing over 1000 Orthodox rabbis throughout the United States, Canada, Israel, and beyond, “calls upon the United States to cut off all aid to the Palestinian Authority, at least until it dissociates from terrorist organizations such as Hamas.”
This echoes its call in February, 2006, that “American aid meant to promote the cause of peace never be allowed to fall into the hands of the terrorists of Hamas, directly or indirectly”.
Formally adopted by a direct vote of the RCA membership, the full text of “2014 Resolution: Aid to the Hamas-aligned Palestinian Authority” states:
WHEREAS Hamas is a terrorist organization and has been designated as such by the United States Department of State since 1997; and
WHEREAS The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 cuts direct funding to a Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority; and
WHEREAS Hamas is currently part of the governing coalition of the Palestinian Authority and has not agreed to recognize Israel, renounced violence, disarmed, or accepted prior agreements;
Therefore, as it did in 2006, the Rabbinical Council of America calls upon the United States government to cut off all aid to the Palestinian Authority, at least until it dissociates from terrorist organizations such as Hamas, or until such organizations agree to recognize Israel, disarm, reject terrorism, and work for lasting peace.