RCA Stresses the Importance of All Human Life – Jewish or Non-Jewish
June 1, 1996
Support for the NRP
June 1, 1996

The RCA applauds the significant increase in the representation of the Orthodox community in the Knesset in recent election

Jun 1, 1996 — The RCA in convention assembled notes with satisfaction the significant increase in the representation of the Orthodox community in the Knesset as a result of the recent election.
It sends its best wishes to all those elected to represent Torah Jewry, and hopes that they will contribute significantly to Israel maintaining its character as a Jewish state, in strengthening the educational system of the entire country to include Jewish values, in strengthening the observance of Shabbat, Kashrnt, taharat hamishpacha and the areas of personal status entrusted to the Rabbinical courts.
We ask the religious parties to exercise their mandate in cooperative endeavor and to seize the opportunity to show the high ethical and moral standards that characterize Torah Jewry.


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