Status of Jerusalem
June 1, 1997
Genetic Engineering and Cloning 1997
June 1, 1997

Support For Israel (1997)

RCA Urges Jewish Community to Recognize Importance of the State of Israel to all Jews

Jun 1, 1997 — Support for Israel

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled calls on all in the Jewish community to recognize the supreme importance of tile state of Israel to contemporary Judaism. This importance must be manifest in a commitment to stop making Israel subject to one’s own agendas, no matter how important they seem to be. Those on all sides of tile political and religious spectrum who suggest that support for Israel be held hostage to particular policies and that unwanted decisions are made by the Israeli government– that support will be withheld or diminished –are forgetting what is essential, and raising the secondary to primary importance. Whatever our disagreements with tile State and its policies, it is one thing to voice disagreement, to protest and even to attempt to change tile status quo, it is quite another to suggest that support for the Jewish state shall be removed or diminished for this reason.

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